
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Parrot Pile-Up

Ahhh, May is here, and state testing is next week.  We have been doing a pirate theme this past week, and you know that includes all of the regular standbys such as the book "Pirates Go To School":
Pop-Up Pirate:

Pirate Talk:
Pesky Pirates:
And, now, my latest find- Parrot Pile-Up.
If you have read this blog before, you know I am all about finding games and activities that cover multiple goals.  Winner, winner, chicken (parrot) dinner-  this little game can do it!
Each player gets a beach scene card, and they load one piece of their cargo on the raft with the parrot and "drive" it from their beach card to the other player's beach card without losing any cargo along the way (or while they are stacking it on the raft).  I love that this game is a reinforcer for any skill you practice using your handy flashcards or iPad apps, and it has a ton of words and vocabulary built-in as well. 
My /r/, vocalic /r/, and r-blends students had plenty of words to practice by naming the items that are a part of the game-  parrot, raft, red, barrel, crate, triangle, rectangle, and fruit.  

Now I love me some Pop-up Pirates, but my older kids think it is a little young for them.  This game was enjoyed by all ages and all groups (and they kept saying the pieces reminded them of Angry Birds-  more /r/ practice).  Gotta love a game like this!  I found mine for eight dollars at Tuesday Morning (hope you have one in your area).  It is also available at Amazon (link above) for just a few bucks more. 

Thanks for "flying" by!

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