
Friday, April 11, 2014

Sharing "Gamis"- a free app for today!

One of my fabulous technology teachers shared this cool new app that is free at the moment (go quick, you know that changes!).  It is called Tellagami and you can get it here.
This app allows you to create a virtual version of yourself with a recorded message.  I created a version of myself (much skinnier of course), and made a welcome back message for my students for after Spring Break.
This took less than two minutes to do-  didn't even read any directions or tutorial first-  it is just that simple.  There are add-ons you can buy for different backgrounds, but the free version is just fine for me.

You students can use this app to create a version of themselves saying their speech words, or retelling a story you read, or any other type of goal practice.  Anything that gets them engaged and practicing speech is a good thing!  I am also attaching my "gami" to my website for parents to give them info about sound productions and language homework ideas for home, as well as for speech centers (so instead of me having to tell the directions for the center myself, they can listen to the gami repeat the expectations for that center).  The possibilities are endless.


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